Deliberate Discipleship

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God Can't Move a Parked Car

God Can't Move a Parked Car

by Sarah Halliday

How many times do we pray hoping that we'll receive what we ask for?  How many of those times do we demand blessings, yet do nothing about it?  How many of those times do we lack in expressing gratitude for the things we already have?  Why do we automatically think that we're entitled to God's help without doing anything?  True, He loves us and wants what's best for us, but this life is a testing period where we're expected to work.  Faith without works is dead.  We need to put forth the effort.

This week in institute, we had a lengthy discussion about acting on our hopes and dreams.  My teacher made the remark that "God can't move a parked car." Before driving anywhere, we need to turn the ignition on, change the gear, and press the gas.  Only then can we steer and move towards our desired destination.  The same applies to God's hand in our lives.  We need to have a dream, make a plan, and actually start executing it before God can steer us in the direction we need to go.  Action on our end needs to happen before any action on His end can happen.

The more I thought about this concept in my life, I realized that I'm not achieving my highest level of happiness unless I'm working with God, not waiting for Him to bless me.  As a young single adult, this is particularly applicable in dating.  I can't sit back and wait for marriage to come along and not do anything about it.  I need to put myself out there, meet new people, and strengthen the relationships that I currently have with others in order for God to help me.  Our hopes and dreams can only become a reality if put forth the required work on our end.

In the same institute class, one of the students (aka one of my amazing roommates) also made a comment that sometimes the dreams that we have aren't what God has in store for us.  We can get hung up on one person, job title, or any number of other dreams that may not be right for far too long, but we can't be corrected and steer a different direction unless we act on them.  Only then, will God let us know that we need to change our path.  We can then focus our energy and efforts on a different goal or dream that may be a better fit in God's plan for us.

As children of God, we have limitless potential and possibilities.  It is crucial that we start the ignition of our hopes and dreams, make a plan of where we want to go, and then hit the gas and act because God can't move a parked car. 

More on this topic:
Essentials for Success
Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer