Deliberate Discipleship

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Follow the Prophet

Follow the Prophet


From the beginning of time, there have been prophets on earth. A prophet is “One designated by God to be His spokesperson and to be a teacher, revelator and witness of gospel truths.” (

From Adam to Isaiah and Peter to John, the Bible is full of examples and stories of prophets. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe in modern prophets. That means we believe in modern revelation to these prophets. 

Probably the most famous prophet in the Restored Church is Joseph Smith. After centuries of spiritual darkness, the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored through Joseph Smith. It was a time of great awakening. He was the first prophet in this dispensation of time. Since then, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has been led by modern prophets. As of this writing, our prophet is Russel M. Nelson. 

Because we believe that prophets speak for God, we also believe that following the prophet is vital to our eternal happiness and salvation. We are raised from a young age learning the importance of following the prophet. 

Some people worry that we are giving our will over to another person. Here’s the thing though. Following the prophet doesn’t mean we should be blind sheep and just do what he says. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek our own revelation on topics the prophet discusses. The prophet is like a lamp on a pathway - there to illuminate the way. But we are the ones that must travel that path. It is our action that determines whether or not we follow the path the prophet has illuminated. We have to learn for ourselves if what he says is true. We have to make the decision to do what he asks. It is always our choice to follow him or not.

Sometimes the prophet might ask us to do something that is difficult or contrary to what we initially believe. This is why it is crucial to take those issues to the Lord and find out for yourself if what the prophet is saying is true. But a true prophet will always point the way to God. He will never seek accolades for himself but always seek to glorify our Father in Heaven. 

In my life, I have made the decision to follow the prophet. I know that all the prophet asks us to do will lead us to Christ. Everything he asks us to do is good and valuable. I believe with all my heart that the prophet speaks for God and offers Heavenly guidance in a chaotic world. And so for me, it is an easy decision to make. I know my life will be blessed by following him.

If you are not familiar with prophets, you should spend some time learning about them. It is a blessing to have modern prophets and a sign of God’s love for us. 

You can learn more about prophets through the following links:


Prophets of God

What is a Living Prophet

Prophets in the Land Again