Deliberate Discipleship

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Rejoice in Christ’s Victory

Rejoice in Christ’s Victory

By Kathy Penrod 

The sky darkened. The earth began to rumble. All of nature mourned that the King of all Creation had been brutally crucified.

Earlier, He had paid the debt for our sin and suffered for our sorrows in the Garden of Gethsemane. Because we all sin, we would have been separated from our Heavenly Father if there was no way to become clean again. So, Jesus atoned for those sins. He suffered for them in Gethsemane. He paid the price of justice so we could have mercy. Because of Him, we don’t have to be separated from God because of our imperfections.

Now, with His death, He began the process to purchase our life. When Jesus Christ broke the chains of death by being resurrected, He paved the way for all of us to be resurrected. Death has no power over any of us because of what our Savior did for us. Death has no permanence, no claim over us.

President Gordon B. Hinckley said,

“He is our triumphant Lord. He is our Redeemer, who atoned for our sins. Through His redeeming sacrifice all men shall rise from the grave. He has opened the way whereby we may gain not only immortality but also eternal life.”

Though the day of crucifixion was bleak, the third morning would dawn bright with hope. “He is Risen,” the angels would say. (Matthew 28:6-7) The disciples would rejoice when they saw the living Christ. (John 20:19-20) Jesus Christ had overcome sin and suffering, pain and death. With His gentle, perfect nature, He claimed victory over all that could claim us.

In our lives, we might face loneliness, pain, sorrow, regret, betrayal, despair. It is easy to become burdened with the cares of the world and lose hope. But, because He suffered for us, because He felt what we have felt, He knows how to help us through our own suffering. We are not alone in our trials.

Jeffrey R. Holland said,

“One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so.”

Jesus Christ is there for us on our path through life. He walks with us, never leaving our side. He has promised, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

This Easter season, let us rejoice that Jesus Christ lives. Let us have hope in His atonement and resurrection. Truly, there is great joy in Christ’s victory.  

More on this topic:

He Is Not Here, but Is Risen

None Were With Him

The Living Christ