Deliberate Discipleship

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What Voices Will You Listen To?

What Voices Will You Listen To?

By Kathy Penrod

When my oldest son was little, he had a fascination with penguins. They were his absolute favorite and we even painted his room in a penguin pattern & color. Even though he has long since outgrown his obsession, our family still has a soft spot for penguins.

One interesting fact about Emperor and King penguins is how they find their mate in the throngs of penguins that create their colony. There can be thousands of penguins and these species of penguins don’t build a nest that geographically orients them. They carry their eggs around on their feet, so how do they find each other in the mass of black and white?

They do it acoustically. You can think of it like using their voice to help identify their mate. A penguin will focus only on their mate’s call and ignore the noise around them, eventually making their way back home. A penguin must sift out all the other noise around them in order to hear the one voice that will bring them back to where they need to be.

Like many scenarios in nature, there is a lesson we can learn from this. 

We are constantly surrounded by noise of all types. We have messages from the world at every turn – from the news to social media. We hear opinions from our peers on every topic. Politics. Religion. Social programs. And so much more.

What is the sound, or voice, we should be looking for? What is the voice that will lead us back to Heaven?

It is our Father’s voice.

Elder David P. Homer said,

“We will find our Father’s voice in many places. We will find it when we pray, study the scriptures, attend church, engage in faithful discussions, or go to the temple.” 

Amid the myriad of voices sounding in society, will we take time to listen to the quieter voices of Heaven? Hearing our Father’s voice takes practice and dedication. It takes action.  

President Russell M. Nelson taught,

“As we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be ever more intentional. It takes conscious and consistent effort to fill our daily lives with His words, His teachings, His truths.” 

Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Holy Ghost. His voice is soft and gentle. It is not preceded by megaphones and handwritten posters. You will not see His message in a news ticker at the bottom of your TV screen. How the Holy Ghost speaks to us is individual for everyone. So, it is up to us to figure out just how we hear the Holy Ghost.  

President Nelson also taught,

“We also hear Him more clearly as we refine our ability to recognize the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. It has never been more imperative to know how the Spirit speaks to you than right now.”

Following the right voice will lead us down the path of happiness. It will give us confidence in our decisions. It will lead us back to God’s presence once again.
So let us learn from our penguin friends and tune out the extra noise around us. Let us focus on the singular voice that will bring us safely back into His arms.  

More on this topic:

Hearing His Voice

Hear Him