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“Now, Have We Not Great Reason to Rejoice?”

“Now, Have We Not Great Reason to Rejoice?”

“Now, Have We Not Great Reason to Rejoice?”

by Angela Haliday

Ammon, a mighty missionary has declared, “Now have we not reason to rejoice?  Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began.”  (Alma 26:35)  Ammon was speaking to his contemporaries, but how much truer is his declaration for us today!  The wise men rejoiced “with exceeding great joy” (Matt. 2:10) when they saw the star—the star that signaled Christ’s birth.  Luke exclaimed, “My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”  (Luke 1:47)  Prophets and the righteous throughout time have rejoiced to know that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Advocate with the Father, the King of Kings!  We have great cause to rejoice in Christ!  Let us, especially at the conclusion of the year, rejoice more fully in Christ!

Four ways that work for me are:

  1. Praying with gratitude.
  2. Singing with a joyful heart.
  3. Serving others.
  4. Sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray with gratitude.  Do we pray frequently?  Are our prayers full of gratitude and praise to Him from whom all our blessings come?  I sometimes-maybe once a week or so-just have a prayer full of thanks—no asking for anything.  It’s amazing the joy that comes from expressing and feeling gratitude!

Sing with a joyful heart.  I am not a trained singer.  I am not even in tune some of the time, but I still love to sing.  I especially love to sing songs of praise to God.  When we actively engage our mind and voice in singing, our heart turns to Him, the source of ALL joy!

Serve others.  Right after I gave birth to my second child, I was having pretty severe struggles with breastfeeding.  I was miserable.  She was miserable.  We both were in excruciating pain.  And my wonderful mother reminded me that a friend just gave birth to her third child (her first two children were twins and only 2-years old), and that maybe she could use some help or love.  So, we loaded the baby and my other child (age 2) up in the car and took my friend a note, a gift, and a loaf of bread. My determination was renewed and my hope in Christ amplified.  When our spirits are sagging, nothing cheers it up like thinking of others!  It’s what Jesus would do!

Share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Joseph Smith, the latter-day prophet, exclaimed, “Now, what do we hear in the gospel which we have received?  A voice of gladness!  Glad tidings of great joy.  How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that bring glad tidings of good things, and that say unto Zion:  Behold, thy God reigneth!  Brethren (and sisters), shall we not go on in so great a cause?  Go forward and not backward, Courage, brethren and sisters; and on, on to the victory!  Let your hearts rejoice and be exceedingly glad.  Let the earth break forth into singing.  Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King!  And let all the sons (and daughters) of God shout for joy!”  (D&C 128:19,22-23)  Surely, we can rejoice in Christ by sharing the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ!

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