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The Holy Garment and Me

The Holy Garment and Me

The Holy Garment and Me


People have worn religious clothing for centuries—since Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:21)  Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that have made covenants in holy temples are no different.  The holy garment is not a secret—it is, however, sacred.

I have worn the holy garment for nearly 31 years.  What a marvelous blessing and comfort it is for me.  Some people ask why?  There are many reasons, but I will share just a few.

First, I made a promise to do so on May 2, 1991 as I entered the Salt Lake temple to make sacred promises with my Heavenly Father.  Obedience brings forth a multitude of blessings.  And, I can honestly acknowledge that I have felt a tremendous amount of peace knowing I’m keeping this promise with exactness.  Peace of mind cannot be overvalued.  Pyper America (an LDS supermodel) has shared lately that it feels like a cozy, warm hug from Heavenly Father. I agree!

Next, the holy garment provides spiritual and physical protection. It is so much more than underclothing-it is in fact a part of putting on the whole armor of God, as Paul admonishes true followers of Christ to do. (Ephesians 6:13)

In a letter dated 10 October 1988, the First Presidency of the Church made the following important statements regarding how the garment should be worn:

“Church members who have been clothed with the garment in the temple have made a covenant to wear it throughout their lives. This has been interpreted to mean that it is worn as underclothing both day and night. This sacred covenant is between the member and the Lord. Members should seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to answer for themselves any personal questions about the wearing of the garment. … The promise of protection and blessings is conditioned upon worthiness and faithfulness in keeping the covenant.

“The fundamental principle ought to be to wear the garment and not to find occasions to remove it. Thus, members should not remove either all or part of the garment to work in the yard or to lounge around the home in swimwear or immodest clothing. Nor should they remove it to participate in recreational activities that can reasonably be done with the garment worn properly beneath regular clothing. When the garment must be removed, such as for swimming, it should be restored as soon as possible.

“The principles of modesty and keeping the body appropriately covered are implicit in the covenant and should govern the nature of all clothing worn. Endowed members of the Church wear the garment as a reminder of the sacred covenants they have made with the Lord and also as a protection against temptation and evil. How it is worn is an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow the Savior.


Prophets have taught that wearing the garment properly will be “a shield and a protection” to us.  How we all need the protection-both physically and spiritually!

Third, the holy garment is a daily reminder that as I cover my body in it, I am taking upon myself the name of Jesus Christ over and over again.  Wearing garments are a physical, tangible, visual representation of specific covenants that bind me to Jesus Christ—I promise to obey and be righteous, and He will claim me as His own.  I am His as I become more and more like Him!

And finally, and most importantly, the physical act of cloaking myself in the garment of the Holy Priesthood is a profound symbol of the Atonement of Jesus Christ wrapping around my entire being—evidence of my desire to be sanctified (tethered to God) and changed to become that divine being that God designed me to become!  As I allow and choose Jesus Christ day by day, His power will bit by bit change me, allow me, transform me—to even as He is.

How could mere pieces of cloth do marvelous things such as I have listed above?  The holy garment is so very much more.  I treasure the privilege it is to don them.

 Please check out the following links for videos and more wonderful information and insights!

Sacred Temple Clothing


Shielded by Covenants

The Temple Garment: “An Outward Expression of an Inward Commitment”

Temple Garments

Also, check out Anthony Sweat’s two recent books—“The Holy Invitation” and “The Holy Promise.”

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