God Can't Move a Parked Car

As children of God, we have limitless potential and possibilities.  It is crucial that we start the ignition of our hopes and dreams, make a plan of where we want to go, and then hit the gas and act because God can't move a parked car. 

Come Unto My Arms To Stay

Do I really believe that the Savior of the World, the Prince of Peace, the King of all Creation, will descend again? And, more specifically, descend to earth and, among the billions of people populating this blue planet; will He really care about me?

On Anger and Atonement

It was an anger that consumed me. I had trouble sleeping. Constant stomachaches. I could think of nothing else during the day – just the same dizzying thoughts, shouting circles in my head. It took all of my mental energy to merely function – and frankly I wasn’t doing that very well. 


Wards and Stakes and Temples, Oh My

We live in a worldwide church. There are 15 million of us around the world.  The curriculum for the church is pretty much the same all over. So, a Sunday School lesson on patience taught in Palermo, Italy on the second Sunday of the month, will most likely be taught in Mesa, AZ on that same Sunday… give or take a couple weeks. It takes massive amounts of organization to do this. But the organization doesn’t end with the curriculum.

Ours is to Love

It's easy to only see the negative to situations we don't actually know about.  We are told not to judge.  There's the age old adage about walking a mile in someone else's shoes.  As children of God and as brothers and sisters in Christ, shouldn't we be loving each other?  We have all failed, fallen and tried to get up and start anew.  Should we be surprised that our friends, family and ward members are doing the same? 

Fear vs. Faith

After much thought and research, I’ve come to the conclusion that when we fear, we reject God’s plan.  His plan for us is perfect.  Do we believe that?  If we do, why would we fear?  Jesus Christ understands all our pain, sorrow, heartache, despair, and yes, even fear.