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4 Things the Holy Spirit Does

4 Things the Holy Spirit Does

4 Things the Holy Spirit Does

By Kathy Penrod


When I was a young mom, I was home alone with my toddler and my newborn. I remember being in the family room with my toddler while my newborn napped. I had an overwhelming feeling to go and check on my newborn. When I did, I found a plugged-in cord next to his crib that was sparking and smoking. I was able to quickly unplug the cord and eliminate the threat to my little family. I know, to this day, that was the Holy Spirit guiding me and protecting our family.

Often in Christian vernacular you will hear someone refer to an experience with the Holy Spirit. But just what is the Holy Spirit and what does the Holy Spirit do?

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead. He does not have a body of flesh and bone and as such, is a personage of spirit. The Holy Spirit is known by several names. Among those are the Holy Ghost, the Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit has several purposes. Here are just four

1.    The Holy Spirit gives guidance. In the example listed above, the Holy Ghost guided me into an action. In this case, it was for the safety of my family. In other scenarios, the Holy Ghost can guide you to know what job to take, what school to attend, where to live, what medical treatments to try, how to explain a difficult topic to your child and so much more. 

2.    The Holy Spirit can provide Comfort. I was 34 when my mother passed away. I had 4 ½ little ones and did not feel ready to lose my mom. I still needed her guidance and help. Of course, I was so sad. But I also remember a feeling of peace that attended me. Though I was sad, I had faith in the Plan of Salvation and this gave me hope that I would see her again. I felt comfort in this and felt peace, knowing she was with God. This was the Holy Ghost offering comfort. In times of trial and adversity, he provides peace. Jesus Christ, when He was on the earth, promised His apostles, “I will not leave you comfortless.” He promised to send the Holy Ghost as a comforter. (John 14:18, 26)

3.    The third purpose of the Holy Ghost is to change hearts. There is a story in the Book of Mormon about a young man named Alma the Younger. He was wicked and was trying to destroy the church of God. Through a spiritual experience, Alma’s heart began to change. As he changed, his desire to do evil left him and he, from then on, sought to build up the kingdom of God. His heart completely changed. (Mosiah 26-28) This was through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the power to cleanse our hearts of all things that separate us from God. It can rid us of jealousy, anger, hate and greed.

4.    Finally, the Holy Ghost confirms truth. He testifies that God is real and helps us discern truth from error. In the Book of Mormon, we are told that “by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5) That is a powerful promise! What is it in your life that you question? Through the power of the Holy Ghost, you can have that answer.

God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us through this life. I am personally so grateful for the Holy Spirit. I have seen it guide me, comfort me, change me and confirm truth to me. God has truly given us a precious gift in the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit will do so many things in our lives if we allow it. How do you feel the Holy Ghost in your life?

If you want to know the difference between the POWER of the Holy Ghost and the GIFT of the Holy Ghost, you can read my post on that topic here.


4 Things the Holy Spirit Does


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