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The Ten Virgins, I finally get it...

The Ten Virgins, I finally get it...

The Ten Virgins, I finally get it...

by Laurie Smith

I've always struggled with the parable of the Ten Virgins.  I understood the "be prepared" part, but I just couldn't grasp the lack of charity.  Doesn't Christ teach us to give and help those in need?  That was the part I just couldn't quite wrap my brain around.  Why wouldn't the others share their oil? It was in a Sunday School lesson when I finally understood what this parable was actually trying to teach us.  It's not really about "being prepared", it's about being prepared Spiritually.  I mean, I always knew that was part of it, but what became clear to me was that no matter how much I love you or how overflowing my lamp is, I just cannot put oil into your spiritual lamp.  That's what this parable is truly about.  It's about putting oil in our own lamps before it's too late.  Before the Bridegroom comes.  

The five virgins who were left out, spent their time dancing and enjoying the festivities and gave no thought to making sure they had oil.  Spiritual Oil. While the other five enjoyed the festivities as well, they also knew that having their lamp full would make them eligible for the ultimate celebration.  I'm guessing that we all have those around us with less than full lamps.  And we ache to pour our oil into their lamps.  You know, jump inside my heart for just a moment and you would feel the joy of the Gospel!  Only we can't, that's not the plan.  The Plan is for each of us to choose to put the oil in, choose to have faith and believe.  We are the only ones who can put oil into our lamp to be prepared when the Bridegroom comes. 

So what about those we love who need oil?  Well, that oil is in the lamp to enable a flame to be lit. To give light and make the pathway clear.  We cannot share our oil, but we can share our light!  We must let the light of Christ shine from within us to be seen and felt from all we meet.  We pray for, encourage and invite those we love to come feel the Light.

 8 And it shall come to pass, that if you shall ask the Father in my name, in faith believing, you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see, and also that you may declare repentance unto this generation.  9 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth, a light which cannot be hid in darkness;" D&C 14:8-9

Fill your lamp.  Let your light shine.  Never give up hope for those you love.  Have faith in Jesus Christ.  Let His love work through you.  Life is sweet when we live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and take time to fill our lamps.  

It's Gratitude

It's Gratitude