Spirit vs. Body - Who's In Control?

The strength of Christ’s spirit manifested itself outwardly in his body. His eyes, full of love for the sinner. His hands, touching the untouchables. His feet, walking miles of dusty roads to reach one person who needed Him. He leaned so often (constantly, actually) in the direction of His Father, that the Father could be seen in His face

Mother's Day Voices

I am finally old enough (and maybe wise enough, occasionally…when all the planets align and there’s a blue moon) to decide what voice I listen to between the walls of my own head. I am going to listen to the one who speaks truth.

Learning to Pray

I have learned that prayer is a sacred gift that my Heavenly Father gave to me and all of His children so we can always communicate with Him. It is on my knees that I have found solace and peace.

Why Baptism?

And so it is with us. If we want to enter the kingdom of God, we, too, must be baptized. And because we have all sinned, baptism can make us clean again, erasing those sins.

Why a Prophet?

As for me, I don’t have a water problem. (Yet. I do live in a desert!). But I have plenty of other problems, just like anyone else, and I will gladly take as much of my Heavenly Father’s advice as I can get. That’s why I love finding answers to my questions and guidance for my life in the words of ancient prophets found in the holy scriptures, and it’s also why I love hearing the voice of God through his prophet today.

Do We Know Him At All?

I testify that God is not some primordial force of nature that created us only to abandon us. He is intricately involved in the details of our lives… much like my calendar is color coded by child so that I can know where each of my children are at a given time of day, He knows. He knows because He cares. And He cares because He is our Father.

On Doubt and Faith

I feel that the most development, insight, and empowerment in my life has come from being in the crisis of my faith being deconstructed and evaluated, and then chosen again, bit by bit. I would not have imagined or recognized myself here had I seen where I would be sent, but I am so grateful that this road is one with more mercies than I would have imagined.

Doubt Your Doubts Before You Doubt Your Faith

I choose to stay because I feel my Savior near in the questioning and grappling. I feel Him urging me deeper: "let the questions fuel the fire to know more. To understand God's plan better." It's a process. A layering of line upon line, precept on precept. Seeming dissonance sometimes resolves unexpectedly, but sometimes it lingers, a question without a clear answer.

The Burdens We Carry

We can come to Him at our worst, and because of Him we can be made whole again. He will literally take the burdens from our backs and cut through years and years of neglect and filth if He needs to, to free us from whatever weighs us down.

Flee the World

Many times in just a few verses (Genesis 39), we’re told that the Lord was with Joseph. Joseph knew who he was, whose he was, and just what that meant. Joseph had made sacred covenants, been taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, and desired to live the Lord’s law (particularly the law of chastity here). He could not defile himself by compromising his (and the Lord’s) standards. When he realized he was in a dangerous place, full of wickedness, he fled. That means he removed himself from that horrid situation immediately and got away.